Our Global Impact

Improving the Quality of Education for Underserved Youth

SOS’ global impact has evolved over time, but always with a focus on improving the quality of education in underserved communities of Latin America, and always working closely with local partners who lead the design, implementation, and long-term sustainability of projects.

Our Evolution


During SOS early years, when we were still a student club working at just one campus, we collected student donations and contributed them to third-party organizations supporting education.


 As SOS became a nationally registered charity and expanded to new Chapters, we began working directly with global education NGOs in Latin America to fund the development of basic school infrastructure and provide volunteer support through Outreach Trips.


As we celebrated our 10 year anniversary as a national organization, we shifted focus  from the construction of education facilities towards the quality of learning happening within classrooms.This included the launch of our Guate Groundswell program and the development of new Culture Connect programs.

Our Impact

In total we’ve provided over $2.5 million to support 235 projects, supporting 20 different community partners across 11 countries. We estimate these projects will support a total of more than 150,000 students throughout their lifecycle.

Access to Education

102 Projects for Classroom Constructions

Nutrition and Wellbeing

69 Projects like School Gardens and Kitchens

Education Quality

41 Projects like Libraries and Labs


23 Projects like Playgrounds and Sports Courts

Past Projects

See Stories from our previous projects

Partner Profiles

Niños de Guatemala

Semillas de Innovacion y Desarollo Sostenable

Project Stories

Brisas de San Luis

Guatemala Groundswell

Pedro Arauz

Aquil Grande

Las Arrugas

SOS has worked with 20+ NGOs in Latin America.